& Articles
How Even the Best Speakers Use Data Wrong
Discover why data alone fails to engage and inspire action, as evidenced by a poignant personal anecdote. Learn how storytelling captivates emotions, leading to meaningful action, backed by research insights. Explore the dynamic interplay between narrative and data for effective communication and driving change.
How to win a speaking competition: Insights from the judging table
Discover key techniques for successful speaking: Learn how to create clear, engaging messages, provide actionable takeaways, and develop a unique hook. This article offers insights from Speaker Slam, demonstrating how to enhance presentations for TED-style and professional events, ensuring they resonate powerfully with audiences.
Is this the story people are telling about you?
Explore the transformative power of storytelling in business branding, drawing inspiration from Pixar's proven narrative structure. This article discusses how stories can captivate audiences, differentiate your brand, and offer unique insights into your core values. Learn to craft your 'minimum viable story,' providing the foundation for engaging, memorable, and retellable narratives about your business journey and mission.
3 Dumb Ways to Make Your Message Stick
As a small business owner or solopreneur, getting your message to stick can be a daunting task. In this article, we'll explore 3 ways to make sure your ideal audience not only hears your message, but also absorbs it and takes action on it. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to effectively communicating your message and making a real impact in the world.
Practical Advice on Clear Communication
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Topics include:
How to book, write, and deliver TED-style talks
Clear and consistent messaging
Professional speaking